HMRC Childcare Choices – Banner Masters Design & Coding
This is the banner creative designed and built for the HMRC Childcare Choices campaign of 2017.
The masters were designed and coded for a standard HTML5 delivery via DoubleClick. These animated banners, utilise Javascript animation libraries – in this case Greensock. There’s not much more to say here, the animation is just a simple swapping over of images, with the main creative focus on typography – with type scale used to accentuate the copy hierarchy.
- Client: HMRC
- Agency: WCRS
- Year: 2017
- Categories: Design, Art Direction, User Experience, HTML5, Javascript, CSS3, Animated Banners, HTML5 Banners
HMRC – Childcare Choices Creative
Static frame-by-frame storyboard for the Leaderboard unit.